
Developing Basketball Speed & Quickness with a Jump Rope

One of the Most Important Instructional Basketball DVDs Ever Released. Develop Incredible Speed and Quickness in as Little as 15 Minutes a Day, 3
Times a Week – with a Jump Rope.

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Do you feel hopeless to do anything with the basketball when you have a quicker player guarding you? Do you not look forward to playing certain teams because you’ll have to go against a quicker player or team? Do you want to become a quicker and faster basketball player and be the player no one looks forward to matching up against? Do you want to play at the highest level of basketball you possibly can? For years coaches have told basketball players to jump rope to improve foot speed, quickness, and develop coordination. They have handed players a rope and said, “Get after it”. However, there never has been a complete plan to follow. Therefore players easily become bored with jumping rope and never realize the incredible gift the jump rope could give them. Imagine how much better you could be with improved speed and quickness on the basketball floor. You’ve been hitting the gym everyday of the week, perfecting your jump shot, getting your handles tight, but what are you doing for your athleticism? You have purchased Jason Otter’s Developing Explosive Speed and Quickness with a Jump Rope DVD and have decided to use the workout as your warm up each day. Doing the jump rope workout gets you loose, gets a great sweat going, and you are ready to tackle the rest of your workout. You feel faster and quicker than you ever have before during your workouts. You move better, make more shots, and get to the basket quicker when practicing your driving and finishing moves. You’ve been doing the workout on the DVD for several weeks now – every day. You are really committed to becoming quicker and faster. You join a pickup game and you are beating people off the dribble that you weren’t before. The game seems slower to you, almost as if it’s in slow motion, because you are making more steals on defense. The other players comment how hard you are playing. What they don’t realize yet, is that you have become quicker, faster, and are in much better shape than you were several weeks ago. This isn’t going to be a one day experience for them. This is the new you. They had better get used to it. The thought crosses your mind, “If I stick with the program and jump rope everyday, I could regularly become the fastest and quickest player on the floor, no matter who I play against. There is a new confidence in your game. Could this happen to you? Don’t be surprised if it does. Jason Otter has developed a jump rope workout that will make you faster, quicker, and less prone to injuries. 45 Jump Rope Drills – You won’t get bored with this workout. Printable Workout Chart 3 Levels of Training – Advance to Level 3 and amaze coaches and teammates. Easy to Follow Workouts – Workouts take as little as 15 minutes a day, 3 days a week. Coaches can run team workouts. “I went from one of the fastest players at my school, to one of the fastest players in the state because of my dedication to the jump rope.” – Jason Otter

GREAT IDEA FOR BASKETBALL COACHES Coaches, after you have purchased the DVD, print out the workout charts and laminate them and then give them to your players. Laminating the charts will make it less likely they will lose them and will emphasize the importance of what you are asking them to do. Wouldn’t you like all 15 players on your team to become quicker and faster on the basketball court? How many more games could you win? People will think you are a better coach – and you will be because you will have unleashed the power of the jump rope on your team.

Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $19.99.