For less than $10 a week, Otter Basketball Training has designed a basketball training program that will maximize any players ability and help them achieve their goals of playing at the next level. Serious students of the game receive workouts designed by Jason Otter with daily video instruction and tips by Jason Otter himself (over a 100 hours of instruction per year / equivalent to 100 instructional videos WOW!).
What is it?
It’s an online training system that follows Otter Basketball’s world famous program built on the idea of continuity of principle application based on its two primary concepts efficiency and familiarity of movement patterns. The workouts are built around the idea that every student should have a solid foundation that is reinforced daily through the idea of deliberate practice. The workouts also progress in a way that reinforces proper movement patterns from a kinesthetic point of view and aide in injury prevention as well as maximizing performance. The system progressively becomes more taxing on the mind and body as players work there way through it.
Who is it for?
The serious student of the game that wants to take his or her game to the next level, however the program should not be attempted by players who are not willing to work hard or smart daily. Students will be held accountable for working hard while completing the workouts daily to not fall behind in the progression of the program. Students must have a solid understanding that only by following Jason’s instruction and executing drills based on the formula repetition + proper mechanics + intensity = game success will they be able to maximize practice time and be the best they can be.
Why Online Training?
Even though this has been 2 years in the making due to the vast amount of instruction Jason wanted to build a program that would allow the serious player to train with him daily. He felt it was important that players continually reinforced good practice habits and viewed the intensity they should work at to maximize gains in the gym to help them accomplish their goals. Understanding that he could not be everywhere at once but still wanting players to get the best instruction offered we created the online training system.
How does it Work?
Upon purchase of the program players will receive a email that asks them detailed questions about their experience in all three areas of development: skill training, shot development, athletic speed and strength training (for more on these areas of development click the word in the text). Once we have received the information through our electronic system we then analyze the data and place you in the proper development channel. Players receive an email and a password that allows them to log onto their schedule and view their workouts as well as Jason demonstrating each drill addressing the key points within to maximize development in the system. Drills will also be able to be tracked to monitor progress in skill areas in the form of online charts and graphs. Jason or a representative will also be available to answer questions that may arise during training. Smart Phone Application will be available in February of 2012 for this program.
Words From Jason
We at Otter Basketball are excited to present our Online Basketball Training system and expect it to be a great tool in helping our students and coaches maximize their ability along with our idea of deliberate practice with efficiency and familiarity of movement concepts. The program will cover all aspects of the game and develop students from a physical and mental standpoint. This program allows us to design our player’s workouts and coaches training regimens and guarantees that they have the information necessary to work harder and smarter than the competition. We have found it difficult to meet the demands of all our players due to our extensive travel schedule and are finding this to be invaluable in helping our students achieve their dreams. Thank You, Jason Otter
FOR TEAM PACKAGES CALL (1-866-357-2966) or email Christy at
Click button to see more training details and to purchase.
Click button to see more training details and to purchase.
Training Durations:
3 months $99.00
6 months $300.00
12 months $456.00