Shooting Camp – River Falls, WI
18 PLAYERS ONLY — 5 Hour Shooting Camp — Co-Ed — 6th grade and up. This is not for new or beginning players. This camp is a classroom environment on the court and is mentally demanding with emphasis on the details of shot development so players can become efficient and consistent shooters. Players will leave this camp with a clear understanding of how to continue with OtterBasketball’s key shot development drills and correct their own mistakes through detailed checkpoints learned in the camp.
- Shooting Efficiency – Taking out all wasted motion in the shot leading to a quicker release and more consistency
- Catch and Shoot – Release the ball faster and with more consistency by understanding proper techniques to the catch and shoot
- Catch and Square – Teach players how to catch and square up helping them establish correct pivot foot and load their legs for their shot and a explosive 1st step
- Creating Space Out of Triple Threat – Making more efficient moves out of triple threat / creating space out of triple threat in the form of step backs and dribble moves / reading the defense out of triple threat / keys to making yourself hard to guard).
Note: Due to the limited number of players, there are no refunds or transfers of any kind!
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