Shooting Camp – Carthage, IL
18 PLAYERS ONLY — 5 Hour Shooting Camp — Co-Ed — 6th grade and up. This is not for new or beginning players. This camp is a classroom environment on the court and is mentally and physically demanding. It is recommended (not required, but recommended) that players attend the 1 or 2 Day Camp, Junior Elite or Point Guard Elite before attending the Shooting Camp. Players may attend the Day Camp and Shooting on the same day if parents/players feel like they are able to stay focused for that length of time. Topics covered include:
- Shooting Efficiency – Taking out all wasted motion in the shot leading to a quicker release and more consistency
- Catch and Shoot – Release the ball faster and with more consistency by understanding proper techniques to the catch and shoot
- Catch and Square – Teach players how to catch and square up helping them establish correct pivot foot and load their legs for their shot and a explosive 1st step
- Creating Space Out of Triple Threat – Making more efficient moves out of triple threat / creating space out of triple threat in the form of step backs and dribble moves / reading the defense out of triple threat / keys to making yourself hard to guard).
Players will leave the Shooting Camp with a clear understanding of how to build their shot through progressions and check points.
Note: Due to the limited number of players, there are no refunds or transfers of any kind!
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