Handlz & Jump Shotz
Everybody needs Handles and a Jump Shot if you want to play basketball, right? The Handlz & Jump Shotz Camp is designed to give you just that! Jason Otter is offering OtterBasketball’s very first multi-day camp in their exclusive basketball training facility located in Thayer, MO, December 27th, 28th & 29th. Players will go through an intense 4-Hour workout everyday and will become more efficient in their movement, their shooting, handles will become tighter & they’ll stretch their dribble angles, too. Players will make huge improvements in the areas of making reads on the defense, passing, change of speed and pace, becoming more explosive with the ball, speed finishes, power finishes, defensive footwork, screening & more. In the 12 hours these players will be on the court, their eyes will be opened to lots of new concepts in skill development, shot development…all things that can be immediately implemented into game play.
This camp is limited to only 12 Players, boys & girls, 6th grade & up. We can’t wait to see what these 3 days do for you! Register Today as this camp is expected to sell out fast!
Hourly Schedule
Day 1 - Dec. 27th
- 8:00am - To 12:00 Noon
Day 2 - Dec 28th
- 8:00am - To 12:00 Noon
Day 3 - Dec. 29th
- 8:00am - To 12:00 Noon