Which Basketball Camp is Right for Me?
1. Basic Training Basketball Camp
This camp is designed for younger, beginner level players (grades 2nd – 5th). This camp will focus on fundamentals and is designed to give players a solid foundation to build upon and to give them a look at what it will take to become an elite level prep player. It is important that we start them at a young age in a positive, enthusiastic environment that encourages hard work!! Coaches and parents may contact us to host this camp at your school or area, usually scheduled on the same day as the One Day Camp. This is a 3-Hour camp at $75 per player. For more on this camp click here.
2. One Day Basketball Camp
This camp is great for any player, 4th grade – College, that is NOT a beginner lever player. It is highly recommended for any player wanting to attend our Shooting Camp, Point Guard Elite Basketball Camp or Junior Elite Basketball Camp, but not a requirement. The One Day Camp is a great refresher on movement and game concepts for players that have already attended the Point Guard Elite and Junior Elite camps because it will focus on playing the more athletic player. This camp introduces our Efficiency of Movement Concepts that the entire program is built off of. It is recommended that young players attend our Basic Training Basketball Camp prior to attending this camp. Coaches or parents may contact us to host this camp at your school or area. We require a minimum of 30 campers. This camp is offered in either a 5-Hour or 7-Hour format and cost is $90-$100 per player. For more of what this camp offers click here.
3. Two Day Basketball Camp
This camp is similar in content to the One Day Camp, but usually divided into two sessions according to ages and spread over two days. The morning session is 8am-Noon for 4th-7th grade and the afternoon session is 1pm-5pm for 8th grade-college age. Each session requires a minimum of 30 players. Cost is usually $100 per player and coaches or parents may contact us to host this camp at your school or area. For more on this camp click here.
4. Shooting Camp
This camp is open to any player (6th grade – College). Players are taught how to shoot more efficiently and consistently by breaking down their shooting mechanics and building their shot from the ground up. Players will learn how to speed up their release, become a high percentage shooter and also how to reinforce what they have been taught when they leave the camp. Different types of footwork will be introduced and taught from triple threat, such as the inside square, drop (hop to catch), 1-2 step from primary pivot and more. Recommended camp prior to attending this camp is the One Day Camp, Junior Elite or Point Guard Elite. Coaches or parents may contact us for information on hosting this camp. The maximum number of campers taken is usually 18 and the cost is $165 per player. For more information on this camp click here.
5. Junior Elite Basketball Camp
This 4-day camp is open to any player in grades 4th – 7th and is the perfect Basketball camp for coaches or parents to give their young players a glimpse into the kind of work it will take to have success in the game of basketball. Players will work to develop efficient movement tracks, which allow them to begin maximizing their athletic ability. Players will be taken through our level I jump rope program, stationary ball handling, movement drills and finishes at the basket on a daily basis. They will learn proper footwork, defense and guarding players full court and half court, passing and so much more. Players will also spend time in a classroom environment learning about proper skill training, leadership, and the OtterBasketballl way. Recommended camp prior to attending for young players is a One Day camp or a Basic Training Camp, but it is not required. Coaches may inquire about bringing a JrElite to their location. For more information on this camp click here.
6. Point Guard Elite Camp
This camp is open to any player, 8th grade – College. This camp is the ultimate camp in player development. Players will work for 4 days on the court on player development and game concepts with classroom sessions on player development and leadership. The camp was designed by Jason with a primary emphasis on maximizing a player's physical and mental ability to play above their athletic set with a focus on becoming a disciplined player on and off the court through deliberate practice. Players in PGE will cover a more advanced version of concepts taught from Junior Elite. This is an intense, advanced camp that will push players mentally and physically...and one that can certainly change a player's mentality and approach to the game and get them on the right track to achieving their goals. Recommended camp prior to attending is the One Day Basketball Camp or Junior Elite Basketball Camp. It is also good to start OtterBasketball’s Virtual Training prior to attending this camp. Coaches may inquire about bringing this camp to their school or location. For more information on this camp click here.
7. Explosive Guard Camp
This camp is open to anyone who has attended a Day Camp and a Shooting Camp, completed Online Training for at least 6 months, or a Point Guard Elite camp. This camp covers more advanced shooting concepts, how to play strong in a physical environment, finishing strong at the rim, handling the ball in transition, essential skill training that transfers to game success. For players to benefit from this camp, they need to have attended OtterBasketball's One Day Camp and Shooting Camp and practice these drills on a consistent basis at the very least. This is a 5 Hour Camp, limited to 18 players. Cost is $165 each. For more information on this camp click here.
8. Extreme Concepts Basketball Camp
This camp is only offered 1 time per year for players that have attended a Point Guard Elite Basketball Camp (Grades 10th and up or by special invitation). This camp has intense skill training and is followed by game simulation and controlled scrimmages where concepts taught at Point Guard Elite are expected to be implemented in game play. This camp demands that players execute OtterBasketball concepts that not only allow them to become better by putting themselves in situations that make the game easy but also makes everyone around them better. This is a can't miss for any serious OtterBasketball player. For more on this camp click here.