
Point Guard Training Drills


Becoming an Elite level Point Guard takes a lot of work and several aspects of the game that must be mastered.  At OtterBasketball, through our Point Guard Elite Camps and Training we have developed a proven system that has developed over 1000 Division 1 guards.  It’s all the proof you need to show we can get you there.

It starts with our Online Training.  Our Online Training system is like no other.  We expect our players to put in about 2.5 hours a day of deliberate practice over an extended period of time.  Maybe you thought we would give you one drill or tell you that attending our Point Guard Elite camp alone would be enough.  However nothing is further than the truth.  Yes, at our Point Guard Elite camp we will teach you how to move properly to be successful against more elite athletes, how to become a lights out shooter, How to put yourself in positions to make the game easy, What it takes to make everyone around you better, Leadership skills that will not only make you better on the court but off as well.  But that is not enough.  Our Online Training will make sure you go home and practice these techniques daily.   Point guard training is more than just some ball-handling, shooting and passing drills which our online system covers quite extensively, but we also have basketball lessons as well as weekly leadership lessons designed to help you take your team to the next level.  The systems also come with strength training to help you maximize your skill set on the floor as well as a vertical jump program.  But make no mistake about it, this program is not easy and requires work.  For some reason many players think they can play above their athletic set by playing games and working a few minutes a day and this is simply not true.   The entire system is built around deliberate practice and the 10,000-hour principal.

So if you are serious, let OtterBasketball and Point Guard Elite help you achieve your goals and get started today.  To find out more about these training programs or camps in your area call 1-866-357-2966.